Authors tab

In this example, the Name AuthorClosedThe author responsible for writing the formal description of a species (i.e. specifying a Taxonomic classification for the species). is the same as the author of the Primary CitationClosedIn Taxonomy, the paper / article that first proposes (specifies) the scientific name for a species. In Botany this paper is known as the Protologue..

  1. Select Yes from the Name authors same as citation authors?: (Name Authors) drop list.

    The Name Authors table updates with the name of the author specified in the primary citation and the Role is automatically set to Author. The table is read-only when Yes is selected.

  2. In the Year: (Name Authors) field, enter the year in which the scientific name was published.
  3. Save the record.

    The scientific name, Aus bus Wood, 2005 (which is included in the Summary Data field) is auto-generated using the available details:

    Authors tab

    The Classification tab displays as:

    Classification tab